Bad Seeds

“Sometimes I long for simpler times. Like before the internet, or technology. I’m sick and tired of trying to find and chase the next cool scene, or the next coolest city. I guess I’m just frustrated with my generation. There’s so much wrong with the world, but we all just want to watch Netflix and smoke weed. The problem is the loneliness. We don’t communicate anymore. There can be no real revolution without proper communication. The problem with social media is that it’s not real communication. Speaking in the flesh, eye to eye, is more powerful. When we communicate via social media, our words are coded and transformed into algorithms used to spit out what we want to see, what they want to sell us. I mean, I’m part of the problem. I’m not doing anything either. I mean, it means something to be aware, sure. But there’s no action. And everything stays the same. Our generation is fearful. There is a disintegration of identity. From the death of the American dream, we still feel compelled to play the part of being modern, but we’re all just lost.” – Kurt

Everyone is scrambling in a hive, fighting for their individuality. But we are still part of a hive.