The Mission

My new friend from Bombay, Disha (another Couchsurfer) told me to write a list of Wants and Needs. This is my current list. I’m slowly learning how to become comfortable blogging and writing openly about my life again. I don’t expect to please everyone, but for those who do have suggestions for me regarding what you want to read or see, please let me know. Mostly, I’m going to be sticking to everything related to San Francisco and my move/experience here. Anyway, here’s that list:


  • Stable/Long-term employment
  • Savings to put down for an apartment
  • Find a roommate to split rent with
  • And of course, food.


  • A one-day ticket to the SnowGlobe festival at Lake Tahoe for NYE to see Flume and What So Not
  • To pick up the violin, or the clarinet, and practice frequently
  • To write a book of some sort
  • Liquor and Beer (mostly beer)
  • More concert tickets
  • New clothes and local products
  • A bicycle
  • New headphones
  • Male companionship
  • More sriracha-covered baked green peas

I suppose once I fill my needs, I can move onto my wants. I’m teaching myself moderation, responsibility.